New version attached to the first post in this thread.
I rewrote this plugin, it now handles polylines, circles and polyrectangles
No more messing about or guessing dimensions, enter the sizes as you draw. After using this plugin I rarely use CamBam's native methods for creating those objects.
Attached to the first post are;
Two versions, one for CamBam v0.9.8, one for CamBam v1.0
PDF Manual (I have reproduced most of the text here) PLEASE READ IT FIRST !
Dimensioned Polyline
The first thing to say is; if you do not type any values into the user interface then the plugin will operate in a similar manner to CamBam’s native Polyline draw function.
i.e. Continue clicking points as desired, ‘Esc’ to reject the drawn polyline, ‘Enter’ to accept the draw polyline.
The user interface will display, “Enter First Point”, you should move the mouse cursor to the desired position then press the left mouse button.
The user interface will then display, “Length”, this is optional as previously explained, but if you do enter a value the following will occur;
If you drag the polyline ‘rubber band’ so that the line is LONGER than the value entered,
e.g. you enter 20 but you drag the line out to 30,
then that portion of the line from the previous point to the mouse cursor will change colour indicating the desired length.
Press the mouse left button to accept the line once you have positioned it as required.
Now continue on to the next point and so on or press ‘Enter’ to finish.
If you drag the polyline ‘rubber band’ so that the line is SHORTER than the value entered,
e.g. you enter 20 but you drag the line out to 15,
then the line will not change colour and pressing the mouse left button will accept the shorter line.
Now continue on to the next point and so on or press ‘Enter’ to finish.
Dimensioned Circle
The interface will display, “Enter circle centre point then type Diameter :”
1. Position the mouse cursor to the desired centre point of the circle then left mouse click, this will draw a ‘rubber band’ circle.
2. Type in the required diameter of the circle.
Dragging the circle to a larger or smaller diameter has no effect on the end result.
3. Press ‘Enter’ or left click the mouse to accept the diameter entered.
Dimensioned Polyrectangle
The first thing to say is; if you do not type any values into the user interface then the plugin will draw a Polyrectangle to points defined where the left mouse button was clicked. It takes three mouse clicks to complete a polyrectangle, First Point, Width, Height.
The interface will display, “Enter First Point”, you should move the mouse cursor to the desired position then press the left mouse button.
The user interface will then display, “Width ?:”, this is optional as previously explained, but if you do enter a value the following will occur;
e.g. a value of 20 is entered (Do not press ‘Enter’ after typing)
If the mouse cursor is to the LEFT of the first point then a rectangle of width 20 will be drawn to the LEFT
If the mouse cursor is to the RIGHT of the first point then a rectangle of width 20 will be drawn to the RIGHT
Click the mouse left button to accept the width or use ‘Backspace’ key to edit the entered value first.
The user interface will then display, “Height ?:”, this is optional as previously explained, but if you do enter a value the following will occur;
e.g. a value of 60 is entered (Do not press ‘Enter’ after typing)
If the mouse cursor is HIGHER than the first point then a rectangle of height 60 will be drawn ABOVE
If the mouse cursor is LOWER than the first point then a rectangle of height 60 will be drawn BELOW
Click the mouse left button to accept the height or use ‘Backspace’ key to edit the entered value first.