Quick and dirty plugin to guide tool between mops avoiding clamps.
Basically it is a take on a
http://www.cambam.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=4645.0 plugin by EddyCurrent.
This time as a new kind of MOP.
Insert Relocate MOP between the MOPs in question.
Specify primitive ids with nodes to follow while relocating. Pointlists, open polylines and lines are supported.
Specify clearance.
If G1 feed instead of G0 is required, put feed value into the 'Move feedrate' field (0 default to rapid)
In generated g-code tool should rise to the clearance, visit nodes in sequence and come
to the initial cut point of the next mop.
As a bonus, initial cut points of the all MOPs are highlighted with the little orange circles.
Simulation is strongly recommended to make sure all is ok.
Nesting may give strange results
If Relocate is a first mop in g-code, first rapid may be wrongIf there is a custom mop footers/headers used (with movements), result may be wrong
First segment of relocation path is not displayed until the g-code generated (until the start point is known)
Spindle control/toolchange may be emitted, since MOP inherits MOPs common properties
Source code at
* fix for a wrong default feed property (broke load/save on CB 9.8)
* mop is true 'geometry mop' now, should be more robust
* G1 feed instead of G0 rapid may be specified now
* initial release