you stand the chance of leaving 'spurs' in your pattern with even a slightly-worn bit
That's the thing Lloyd Troch mops are roughers and need to be followed up with a finisher
If your have your step over aggressive enough there will be scalloping on the walls of the
pocket (this is a good sign you are in the ballpark).
I like the troc mops, they have their superpowers,but they are not a universal panacea for
all pocketing situations, some simple pockets for example a square with rounded corners
where the radii of the corners are somewhat larger than the diameter of the tool then a simple
pocket mop would be a better choice, however if the pocket has even just a little more complex geometry
then the troch mops offer a significant speed up in cut time.
Used with a dedicated roughing cutter and one of the feedrate adjusters which rip out the
positioning moves and replaces them with rapids and vary the feedrate to keep the chipload
constant make for fast pocketing between 40 -60 % faster than a standard pocket.
I had a look at the production files and roughly a third of them are troch mops the rest are
plain pockets where the pocket has simple geometry like rounded squares and rectangles with
radii larger than the tool radius.