If anyone wants to clean this up, it will work. I just cannot take the time, so I spent 5 minutes and touched up Andy's old "boingy" script to make a spiral helix.(I have been corrected, and it's a "conic helix")
Fix up the increments and the step size, and it would make a custom conic helix of any kind.
LLoyd (updated version with user inputs in subsequent reply below)
' Conic Helix.vbs
' CamBam vbscript
' With credits to 10 Bulls for the idea from "Boingy"
sub main
dim p as polyline = MakeConicHelix()
end sub
function MakeConicHelix as polyline
dim start as single = 0 ' in radians
dim finish as single = 30*pi ' in radians
dim steps as single = 500 ' number of steps
dim radius as single = 0
dim startz as single = 20
dim endz as single = 0
dim radius_step as single = .05
dim x as single = 0
dim y as single = 0
dim z as single = startz
dim th as single = start
dim dt as single = (finish-start)/steps
dim dz as single = (endz-startz)/steps
'// Get the drawing ready to draw
dim p as Polyline = new Polyline
'// Play da loop
for i as short = 0 to steps
z = z + dz
th = th + dt
x = radius * math.cos(th)
y = radius * math.sin(th)
next i
MakeConicHelix = p
end function